Hello! Welcome to the series review of The Relics of Mysticus Series (or at least, the first 3 books in the series).
So, let's not waste any time and jump straight into the first book: The Serpent's Ring....

Genre: Fantasy / Middle Grade
Edition: E-book
Published on: July 24th, 2012
Published by: Amazon Digital Services
No. of Pages: 233
Source: CBB Book Promotions (Free in exchange for an honest review)
Series?: Book 1 in the Relics of Mysticus Series
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Description: Evan and his sister, Claire, are spending a day with their family at a museum. Evan is bored out of his mind! So bored, in fact, that he thinks he's hallucinating when he sees a strange creature hanging around the site of a closed exhibition. His curiosity gets the better of him and he goes to investigate this mysterious thing. His sister follows him and they discover a relic called The Serpent's Ring. They accidentally activate its powers and create a portal into Sagaas (the Realm of Ancient Gods). Minutes after their arrival into this different world, the Serpent's Ring is stolen from them and taken Aegir, the harsh and powerful God of the Seas.
Now, Evan and Claire most steal the ring from Aegir before he unleashes a flood that will kill all the humans on Earth.
What I think about it: This was a really short, simple read. There were only a few instances where I was a bit confused but then the story cleared everything up right away. Some people might think that information was just being dumped onto the reader but I felt it worked out in this instant. If I hadn't had that information spoon fed to me I would have gotten confused really quickly! I'm no expert when it comes to Norse Mythology, unfortunately. Granted, some of the spoon feeding was a bit unnecessary but it didn't really take much out of the story.
On the other hand, the world-building wasn't anything too spectacular. I didn't expect it to be, you know.....with only 233 pages in it. There's only so many things you can pack into that limited space. The world-building that was present, however, was really cool to imagine. I had a great time reading about some of the creatures in this world. Really.
Conclusion: 3/5 Stars. This was a light, quick fantasy read. It was a really good introduction to Norse mythology as well, I haven't seen this used in a lot of books before. The experience was definitely worth the read.
Moving On to the second book: The Trickster's Totem....
Genre: Fantasy / Middle Grade
Edition: Ebook
Published on: April 4th 2013
Published by: Amazon Digital Services
No. of pages: 226
Source: CBB Book Promotions
Series?: 2nd book in the Relics of Mysticus Series
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Description: Things have returned to normal for Evan and Claire after their adventures in Sagaas. That is, until Dunkle pops up unexpectedly and tells them the worst news ever. Something is wrong in Sagaas. Another Relic has been stolen and now Evan and Claire must go on a quest to retrieve the relic and capture the god who has been released by it. Along the way, they find friends and allies in unexpected places. Can they prevent disaster from falling on all of Sagaas? You'll have to read it to find out!
What I think about it: This was amazing! I absolutely adored it from the opening sentence to the last line. The world-building was not too heavy and I understood the new section of Sagaas with ease. The story was fast-moving and attention grabbing. I could not stop reading, I just had to know how everything turned out! The ending was a massive cliffhanger (luckily, I have the third book and I can marathon read it). The only thing that I didn't like was that the characters annoyed me at times. Hey, you can't like all the characters at all time!
Conclusion: 4.5/5 Stars. I will be rereading this series soon! It's awesome!
Finally, we arrive at the main focus of this tour: The Dragon's Egg......
Genre: Fantasy / Middle Grade
Edition: E Book
Published on: April 29th 2014
Published by: Amazon Digital Services
No. of Pages: 203
Source: CBB Book Promotions
Series?: 3rd book in the Relics of Mysticus Series
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Description: Things are really bad in Sagaas and Evan and Claire most rescue the Wizard, who is their only hope of defeating Alamaz. This Band of Unlikely Heroes face all sorts of terrifying adventures along the way. Secrets that have been long kept will be revealed. Will Evan and Claire be able to face the truth? Will they defeat Alamaz once and for all? I'm not going to tell you that. Read the books yourself.
What I think About It: This series just keeps getting better and better. The Characters have developed and grown on me. I simply love the different Realms of Sagaas; they are all so unique and wonderful in their own right. The ending was epic! It was also a cliffhanger.....when is the fourth book being released? *Sigh* The wait is going to be torturous, I just know it.
Character Analysis: (As always, I'm only including a few of the characters in this section in order to save my readers from possible spoilers)
Evan- He gets distracted quite easily and he's almost always hungry. He loves to embarrass his sister and he enjoys a good prank. I was entertained by him, it was kind of fun to walk around in his head.
Claire- She is Evan's older sister. I didn't like her at first because I thought she was too bossy. As the pages flew by, I came to realize that I was wrong. She is a really nice character. She's brave and intelligent. I did get annoyed by her at some points but is that news to you? Female character seem to irritate me a lot recently. I ended up liking her in the end anyway.
Dunkle- He was supposed to be guarding the serpent's ring but he lost it to the two humans. He goes on the quest with Evan and Claire to retrieve the ring. He is loveable but mysterious. He's always talking in riddles! Did I mention that he's an imp?
Conclusion: 5/5 Stars. This series is one of my new favourite series ever! I have to know what happens next, I just have to!!
About the Author:
A magical part of H.B. Bolton's childhood was being swept into worlds of enchanting characters, fantastical creatures and extraordinary powers - simply by picking up a book. As a mother and a teacher, she was compelled to create imaginary worlds of her own in order to share them, not just with her children, but with all children. H.B. Bolton lives in Florida with her supportive husband and two highly spirited children. Shh, can you keep a secret? Not only does she write books for the young-at-heart, adventurous sort who yearn to dive into a good young-adult fantasy story, she also writes spellbinding, heart pounding women's fiction. These particular books are written under the name Barbara Brooke, but that another story, altogether.
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