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Genre: YA / Urban Fantasy
Edition: ebook
No. of Pages: 400
Published on: March 3rd, 2014
Published by: PenDreams
Source: CBB Book Promotions
Series?: The Morphid Chronicles #1
Get this book here.
I'm really sorry if any of the above information is wrong. I tried my best to be as accurate as possible.
Description: Greg is a Morphid. He's been looking forward to, and at the same time dreading, his transformation for weeks. He wants to belong to a powerful caste but he's afraid that he'll be placed in a common caste like his parents.
Sam is an average girl with heartless parents and a dream to be independant.
Unfortunately, Fate disagrees with the both of them. Now, Greg is forced to protect Sam while she struggles against her nature.
What I think about it: This was a well written tale. It pulled me onto a rollercoaster of emotions. Honestly, I didn't expect to care so much about the story but at times I was almost brought to tears. This novel is more character based than action driven. Therefore, it felt as if the events were dragging sometimes. However, this is not a bad thing, as the characters drew me into their stories anyway. The characters aren't perfect by any means, really. The decisions they made had me gritting my teeth most of the times! But they're teenagers, of course they're going to make silly choices! My point is, this was really, really well done! I didn't enjoy every second of it, but it was entertaining.
Character Analysis:
Sam- The clueless, average girl with distant parents. She was likable for the first half of the book, then she did some stuff and I got really irritated with her. By the end of the book, she was back on my likable page.
Greg- The Morphid who didn't want to be common. I felt for him.....until I met Ashby. I mean, I could see where he was coming from but I really didn't care if Sam ended up being indifferent to him.
Ashby- The other half of Sam's soul. I really, really liked him (even if he does have a strange name). The romantic in me was backing him up all the way. *sigh*
Conclusion: 3.5/5 Stars. If you're looking for a story that makes you feel, this one is for you.
About the Author:
Ingrid Seymour loves, loves, loves to write. She’s a young and new adult author. She writes in a variety of genres including romance, urban fantasy, paranormal and horror. She loves pizza and sushi, Sunkist and gum. She believes in vampires, witches, but not zombies (uh-uh, never!) She writes to loud music, daydreams constantly and spends too much time in twitter!! Find her there? Ingrid has incredible fun doing what she does, but more than anything she enjoys hearing from her readers. It’s a dream come true.