Yesterday, I was hanging around on twitter and I saw a tweet that mention Arc August. I was curious and did a bit of research. So, what is this Arc August thing?
Well, as book bloggers we get a lot of Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) right? How many times has that pile grown to unmanageable heights? Too many, am I right? Here's a possible solution to this problem that has plagued us so much in the past.
ARC August is essentially a month long read-a-thon of the review books we have in our possession. The Goal is to finish and review as many ARCs as possible in the month of August.
If you're interested in taking part, you can sign up here.

My goal for the month is to read all of the books I have for review. I'm going to be reading:

I'm probably not going to read them in that order, but you can look forward to the reviews of these books in the coming weeks.
If you're participating in this read-a-thon, please leave a comment telling me which books you plan to read. Or tell me if you've read any of the books on my TBR.
Until next time,